
What is the most important quality for networking? This question emerged during the masterclass “Network” at the University of Amsterdam

According to research with 2500 responders, the most important characteristic is: “likes to help others”. That fits well with what I believe to be greatest secret of networking: Givers gain.

Networking starts with “Giving”. “Giving” takes all forms: from recognition, attention and respect to time and advice. The participants of the master class were all highly motivated to develop their network.

This was apparent from the response to the online intake. Developing a network vision focused on giving and sharing first is one of the things that the participants will further develop. That will also give an immediate answer to the question: “How can I make sure people will remember me?”

Your network will remember you if you are sufficiently visible, if your contacts notice that you like to help them and of course if you offer quality.

Quality is one of the most important pillars for turning trust and favourability-factor into a recommendation. After all, the recommendation also puts the recommender at risk of his own reputation!

Networking is “The development of visibility, trust and favourability-factor with someone, so that this person recommends you to one of his contacts”.  He or she must trust you and know that you are worthy of this trust!